Saturday, April 14, 2018

World Sports Alliance International Governmental Organization - The right reasons to fund Sport for Development and Peace Initiatives (SDP). Reason 5 (con't)

The right reasons to fund Sport for Development and Peace Initiatives (SDP). 

Reason 5: the necessary recourse to the
private sector (2).

Why and how to raise funds for “Sport for Development and Peace” initiatives? I understood the strategy when I worked on the funding processes for each of the Sustainable Development Goals. Following the process of the World Bank:

  1. Carbon resilience assumes several thousand billion US dollars;
  2. 1000 billion per year is needed to finance the 15th Sustainable Development Goal and a world without carbon.
  3. The public sector is not able to raise sufficient funds.
  4. The private sector needs to help the public one to preserve forests and ecosystems.

The sport of youth is far from having its goal of sustainable development. At most sport is the subject of an article (article 37) in the United Nations 2030 program.  To finance youth sport, especially in developing countries, the use of the private sector will be unavoidable.

Follow the example of funding sports initiatives for development and peace:

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