Wednesday, January 17, 2018

WSA in Lausanne - The General Secretariat – World Sports Alliance – Intergovernmental Organization — 7 October 2017

Lausanne 5 October 2017. PalaisBeaulieu. The World Sports Alliance Intergovernmental Organization(WSA-IGO) was invited to attend the "Achieving SDGs through Sport: partnerships and institutional responses for greater coherence and effectiveness" Seminarthat assembled, by invitation, more than 130 participants from the world sport governance and industry.

Dr.Gilles Klein, Secretary-General,was invited to present the WSA-IGO’s contribution to the achievement of the SDGs through physical education, physical activity and sport. He took part in the third panel dedicated to “Institutional responses for achieving SDGs through and in sport by multi stakeholders initiatives and other actors”. The message he conveyed to the attending audience is the following:

The WSA Intergovernmental Organization, comprising thirty-three Member States, is linked to the United Nations system but remains politically autonomous. Since 2007, it has been mandated by the international civil society to educate youth and train their staff in the MDGs through sport. Considering that the universal is as much the objective of the global goals as the result of the shared situations, WSA wanted to take action to reduce the inequalitiesof access to physical education, physical activity and sport and contribute to the sustainable development of developing countries. During the two eras of the Millennium Development Goals (2000-2015) and the Sustainable Development Goals(2015-2030), the Secretary General’s presentation analysed the context, the policy implemented, the investments made and the evaluationof the performance. Experience leads to the identification of four challenges for SDP organizations to ensure the transformation of the World as desired by the United Nations: coordinate, finance, evaluate and govern.

The Secretary-General’s oral presentation can be viewed on line:

It is complemented with a text by the Secretary-General text related to the WSA-IGO’s policy during the MDGs and SDGs eras:

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